17 #include <QtCore/QString> 18 #include <QtXml/QDomElement> 30 static void writeToFile(
const QString &fileName,
const QString &contents,
const QString &dirPath =
33 static QDomElement
const QString &fileNameWithPath);
Definition: analogSensor.h:23
static QDomElement readXmlFile(const QString &fileNameWithPath)
Reads given XML file and returns root element, throws exception if something went wrong...
Definition: fileUtils.cpp:63
static QString normalizePath(const QString &path)
Returns absolute path by given path, adds "/" to the right if needed.
Definition: fileUtils.cpp:84
Helper class with file helper functions.
Definition: fileUtils.h:23
static QString readFromFile(const QString &fileName)
Reads all file contents and returns it as sting or throws an exception.
Definition: fileUtils.cpp:25
static void writeToFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &contents, const QString &dirPath="")
Writes given string to given file, throws exception if something went wrong.
Definition: fileUtils.cpp:42